Parent Support
Do you ever feel at your wits end as a parent, not sure if you are doing right or wrong?
Wish there was somewhere you could turn to for support? Parenting is a hard job and we are expected to do it without any manual.
Sometimes as parents we need some support in our parenting and reassurance that we are doing ok.
Parent support allows you to deepen your understanding of your child’s strengths and challenges.
Often as a parent (before I trained as a Play Therapist) I wondered to myself if I was managing my children’s difficult behaviour and big emotions correctly or was I doing more harm than good. 3 teenage daughters later and I have survived!
Hi there
Together let’s move to a place of feeling empowered, having the information you need to make changes at home to create a less stressed environment and to understand what developmentally appropriate behaviour is.
Melissa Moore – Founder My Space Play Therapy
What is a parent support session?
A parent support session is a non-judgmental, safe, space to be heard and understood with an experienced professional and mum of 3 teens, where you can explore any concerns that you may have in relation to a particular area of your parenting or child’s behaviour.
Together we make a tailored, individualised parenting plan full of tips and tools that you can take away and implement immediately at home.
What are the benefits of parent support?
Parent support sessions empower parents with new insights and ways of understanding their child allowing you to respond differently. Parent Support sessions give parents new awareness and support around their own struggles and triggers. This promotes more self-awareness, self-reflection and self-compassion which promotes lots of healthy growth in parents and lots of very healthy modelling for children to see!
Who attends a parent support session?
A parent support session is for parents. Your child does not attend.
Where does a parent support session take place?
Parent support sessions can be held face to face in the playroom in Duleek, Meath or via Zoom.
Is my session confidential?
Yes, your session is confidential. It is standard practice for mental health professionals to bring their work to a clinical supervisor. All identifying details are removed when exploring clinical work in supervision. I work under Children First guidelines and I am obliged to refer any child protection concerns onto the relevant authorities.
What parent support packages are available?
There are two options available to suit your needs.
2 session package– initial and follow up a few weeks later to explore how things are going at home, anything you are struggling to implement or perhaps just a few tweaks required
The Stress Less Parenting Programme -work with me on a 1-1 basis for 4 x1 hour sessions where I support you to move away from being stressed, worried and perhaps feeling ill equipped as a parent without sufficient knowledge to manage particular situations at home.